South Polar region: Features of interest

2016-09-11 11:07 UT
Credit : NASA / SwRI / MSSS / JPL-Caltech / John Rogers © cc by
Submitted By : Philosophia-47
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

Here the first JunoCam images reelased of the south pole are aligned and labelled to identify features of interest including those that we have tracked in amateur images. Features include:

>> Anticyclonic white ovals (AWOs) that we have tracked, in the S2, S3 and S4 domains.

>> Cyclonic turbulent regions (‘folded filamentary regions’, FFRs): previous spacecraft images suggested that these occupied only part of the south polar region, but here it is almost filled with them.

>> A probable westward jet at ~72ºS, indicated by many FFRs to the north and 4 AWOs just to the south;

>> A cluster of at least 4 circular storms whch appear to be cyclones immediately around the south pole! There is a similar cluster at the north pole! JunoCam's first big discovery.

--John Rogers.