North Polar Region: Features of interest

2016-09-11 11:23 UT
Credit : NASA / SwRI / MSSS / JPL-Caltech / John Rogers © cc by
Submitted By : Philosophia-47
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 1

Here, the first released JunoCam close-ups of the north pole are aligned and labelled for features of interest. In this longitude range we cannot identify any individual far-northern features tracked from Earth. The whole region is almost filled with cyclonic turbulent regions (‘folded filamentary regions’, FFRs), better resolved than by previous spacecraft. Novel features are:

>> Long narrow cloud lanes in an otherwise bland zone.

>> A cluster of cyclones (to judge from their spiral structure) immediately around the north pole. At least 3 are visible on the sunlit side, and the north pole itself is not illuminated. They are reddish. On Saturn, Cassini has revealed that there is a single mega-cyclone precisely at each of the poles. On Jupiter, Juno's camera now suggests that there are multiple cyclones clustered around each of the poles.

--John Rogers.