The fractal nature of the Jovian atmosphere

2017-09-10 21:55 UT
Credit : NASA/SwRI/MSSS/Shawn Handran
Submitted By : Evgenilebedev-60
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 8

Fractal geometry underlies the complexity and organization of many natural phenomena. The strangely and beautifully shaped turbulence patterns in the Jovian atmosphere are fractal-like. The top panel shows a relatively simple fractal model generated using Ultrafractal 5 software using a Mandelbot set with an inside coloring algorithm by Mark Townsend called "Advanced Gnarl" (both random and directed seed parameters in six sine and cosine functions were used). The bottom panel shows a closeup of cloud turbulence from the Perijove 8 flyby. Eddy patterns, isolated spots, and square-like turbulence arms found in the Jovian clouds are modeled in the fractal image.