Journey To Europa

2018-01-09 21:46 UT
Credit : Milky Way photo - Felix Mittermeier on Pixabay. Jupiter texture map - Hubble Space Telescope Nasa. Z2 Space suit model - NASA LaRC Advanced Concepts Lab, AMA Studios Terrain texture - Software - Blender Cycles Renderer 2.79 with Ant Landscape Gully/Planet Noise, Displacement Maps, procedurally-generated rocks/Hair Particle System, Quick Smoke, Disney-based Principled BSDF shader. Gimp 2.8 with Unsharp Mask, Hue/Saturation, Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Layers.
Submitted By : Hunter-Nacho

Ever wonder what it would be like to stand on the surface of Jupiter's

moon Europa? Well, this image is my artistic concept of what such

an amazing experience might look like.