Closeups of NTB and NEB

2016-12-19 17:52 UT
Credit : Credit: NASA / SwRI / MSSS / John Rogers © cc by
Submitted By : Philosophia-47
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 3

These 3 overlapping images show the intricate cloud textures and colours across the newly reviving NTB and the highly disturbed NEB. They capture a unique transient stage in the great NTB jet outbreak; the orange NTB(S) developed in recent weeks, plus turbulent streaks N and S of it. Two tiny dark spots within the orange belt are notable (one also visible in image 110).

The N. Tropical Zone is currently filled with intense disturbance resulting from the NTBs outbreak. One of the dark grey streaks which like a multicoloured caterpillar. A conspicuous loop at right looks like an anticyclonic (clockwise) circulation, but is not so distinctive in ground-based images just before and after.

JunoCam targeted the northern NEB because people had voted for a spot which was actually barge B-2; but B-2 was not in the field of view’. However, the day before perijove-3, a new white spot was discovered much closer to JunoCam’s target field by Chris Go(see next post). JunoCam just caught this on the horizon. It could develop further so ground-based observers will follow it closely.

Image 111 was taken at closest approach from an altitude of only 4147 km, so in the central region is the highest-resolution image ever taken of Jupiter. It covers a NEBs dark formation (infrared ‘hot spot’) is shown, which appears as a swathe of grey streaks. --John Rogers.