Annotated PJ-3 methane images of high southern latitudes

2016-12-21 23:39 UT
Credit : NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / John Rogers © cc by
Submitted By : Philosophia-47
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 3

Here two methane-band images are annotated for comparison with the colour images. ‘Methane-bright’ features are high-altitude clouds or hazes, notably the well-known AWOs and South Polar Hood (SPH). These images will allow the boundary of the SPH to be mapped in detail, although accurate mapping of the images will be needed to reach firm conclusions; the following comments are provisional. There is a very methane-dark ‘belt’, whose north edge seems to coincide with the visible S5 prograde jet; its south edge is the edge of the SPH, and must be close to the S6 prograde jet. Both edges undulate along with the visible albedo pattern, which may be large waves on the jet(s). Within the SPH, as in the north polar region, there are many small methane-bright streaks, which coincide with bright lanes in FFRs. --John Rogers.