PJ03 Departure Movie, RGB, Decompanded

2017-01-03 02:19 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 3

The images are rendered with approximately 30 pixels per cylindrical camera degree, ignoring trajectory and Jupiter shape model. A simplified best fit calibration has been applied to a small number of selected PJ03 Marble Movie images in order to obtain a reasonable RGB alignment for the Departure sequence. The images are de-companded, color-corrected, and square-root encoded, but not flat-fielded.

The images cover the first hours after the PJ03 close-ups, and show mostly Jupiter's southeren hemisphere. With increasing distance, JunoCam's vantage point moved from close to above Jupiter's south pole towards above Jupiter's equator.

Haze features in the Southern polar region seem to appear more distinctly in these PJ03 images than in PJ01 images, even without further enhancement.