Juno's Perijove-13 Jupiter Flyby, Reconstructed in 125-Fold Time-Lapse

2018-06-06 19:21 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / SPICE / Gerald Eichstädt © cc by
Submitted By : Maquet-80
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 13

On May 24, 2018, NASA's Juno probe successfully performed her Perijove-13 Jupiter flyby.

The movie covers two hours of this flyby in 125-fold time lapse, the time from 2018-05-24T04:41:00.000 to 2018-05-24T06:41:00.000.

It is based on 27 of the JunoCam images taken during the flyby, and on spacecraft trajectory data provided via SPICE kernel files.

For each of those 27 images, a short flyby scene has been rendered. Blending the scenes appropriately using the ffmpeg tool resulted in the movie.

Some of the raw Perijove-13 images show an incremented level of energetic particle hits. Most of the resulting bright blips have been detected and filtered out by the rendering software.

This applies in a similar way to most of the more or less constant camera artifacts, too.

The still images are approximately illumination-adusted, i.e. almost flattened, and consecutively gamma-stretched to the 4th power of radiometric values, in order to enhance contrast and color.

Similar to previous perijove passes, the movie starts with views of Jupiter's northeren hemisphere, then approaches Jupiter's cloud tops up to about 3,500 km, before departure from Jupiter's southern hemisphere.

JunoCam was built and is operated by Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego / California / USA.

Many people at NASA, JPL, SwRI, and elsewhere have been, are, and will be required to plan and operate the Juno mission.