PJ17 image 13: Northern timelapse sequence

2018-12-26 20:22 UT
Credit : NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Björn Jónsson © cc nc sa
Submitted By : Bjorn_Jonsson
Mission Phase : PERIJOVE 17
Source Image(s) : JNCE_2018355_17C00013_V01

Two versions of image PJ17_13 processed from the raw image framelets.

The version at left is an approximately true color/contrast image.

In the version at right the effects of the variable solar illumination have been removed. Faintly visible features on the night side just beyond the terminator are also included. They are illuminated by scattered light. This processing reveals various details in the dimly illuminated areas near Jupiter's north pole. The location of the pole is shown. The bluish color near the terminator in the image at right is a processing artifact and not a real feature.

In the dark, gray area at the left edge no image data was available.